Wow... you'll never guess what I did last night....
I stayed up, all night... reading!
*oink*.... See?! I told you you'd never guess!
It was about midnight when I went to bed, but I didn't feel like sleeping yet. Soooo, I grabbed a book and told myself that I'd just read one chapter. One.
I ended up reading the whole damn book. When I finally closed it, I saw it was 7:15 in the morning, and it was already getting lighter outside. So, uhm, yeah, I stayed up all night.
The weird thing was, I wasn't tired at all. I had to make myself go to sleep, saying to myself what an idiot I was for staying up so late.
Uhm, early...
You know, that was actually the second night in my life I didn't sleep through. The first time was, when I was on vacation with Sonja, in Morocco. There was a wedding party going on (Sonja's sister-in-law was getting married). And we partied along. Sonja and I were dressed up like real princesses, in satin and silks. That really was the best part! Earlier that evening we'd been to the hairdresser. Which wasn't, by the way, like anything we'd ever seen before. Certainly not like the fancy salons here in Belgium. No, it was more like a crappy, too crowded, little room. At first, I didn't dare to sit down, afraid the chair might break. I had little confidence in the woman who was to do our hair. But that changed quickly. I saw her working on Sonja's hair, and well... It was like seeing a miracle happen. That woman had magic in her hands, for sure! I couldn't wait for my turn.
And so, when it was my turn, I asked if she could do my hair like a regency lady. That had been a dream of mine for so long, I couldn't resist. At first, she didn't understand a thing I was saying. It probably sounded weird in her ears, because she looked at me as if I was a complete idiot. But I managed to explain it, with the help of Sonja (her French is much better than mine) and her sister-in-law.
And that's how I got my regency hairdo. Man, it was soooooooooooooooo cool! It really was... *sigh* And it felt wonderful...
Later that night, we arrived at the villa the family had rented. At first, Sonja and I felt very much out of place. We sat with the women, and they all spoke Arabian. Probably gossiping as much as they could about us. But as the evening passed on, we began to have fun. Dancing in the main room, chatting on the terras, near the pool.
I even danced with a real gentleman. Outside, on the grass made of plastic, (Yeah, you figure that, the grass wasn't real, *oink*) he asked me to dance with him. Moroccan style, that is, *grin*. I thought I looked like an idiot, dancing like that. But he said I did a great job, hehe. When the dance was over, he thanked me for dancing with him, and I (stupid goose) couldn't suppress the urge to curtsey.
And before we knew, it was 5 in the morning. One second it was dark outside, I returned to the villa, and when I looked throught the window: poof! The sun was there. I swear, I've never seen the sun come up this quickly! (As if they'd just switched the light)
So now you know about the two times I stayed up all night. Pretty (not) impressive, huh?