Sunday, September 2, 2007

I'm baaaa-haaaack!!

Oh yeah, dear dear children, here I am again!

Wanna see what I did (except for moving in to the new house) these last few days?
I made a video for my upcomming exam. That big entry exam for film school, remember? Well, they sent me a letter last week, right in the middle of the most stressing point in the whole moving thing. They wrote that I had to make a video for them. About the entry exam. Max 3 minutes.

At first, I totally freaked out. I had to make a movie in a few days? It was never going to work! Never! I was ready to give up and totally forget about everything. I wanted to crawl into my bed and never come out again. Yeah, I was that miserable, you go figure :s

But after a few talks with my friends, Stien and Tina, I saw a tiny light in the distance.

This is what I came up with, the end result:

And no worries: No mice were harmed during the shooting of this film ;-)

I'm so very relieved that it is done! Tomorrow is the big day, so yay!

No, not really yay :-(
I'm sooooooooo nerveous! Biting my nails, and stressing out. That's not healthy. I'm sure I'll have to go to the bathroom A LOT tomorrow. I can feel it in my gut!

If you would like to comfort me, you can always tell me how great I am, and my movie, hahaha... *snort*

I'm back ;-)



Dionne Galace said...

Hi, Andi! Welcome back!

Awwww, your video is super cute... and weird at the same time. :)

Did you get the voucher I sent you and Stien... and the copy of Skin to Skin?

Lemme know if you didn't! :)

Rebecca said...

Okay, I had to come back when I could use a computer with a high speed connection to watch.

Haha, I like the song that plays. And as weird as it is, the end was funny! :-) Great job on it!!