Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 12

Hi guys!

Sorry we've been away quite a while. There were so many things to do, my god... really. But we're back :D

You could already read about Stien's snack-problems and now I'm here with this week's TT.

We're going to do this one a bit earlier, because tomorrow (Thursday) will be a busy, busy day.

So hold on, 'cause here we are with our late Wednesday night's TT, hee hee :D

Our Msn conversation...

  1. Vrouwe Amantia says:
    He gave an example of a duel, 2 men fighting about a woman…
    And he said: "yes people… *cough* … I mean a REAL duel, heh… like REAL men fought them… because now, gosh, *sigh*… it is…it is…pffff *grumble*….
    Well, anyway, not like you lot, lying sprawled on the couch in front of the television, crying and whining: 'ooohh nooooooos, now that other guy took my girlfriend to the movies… *whine whine whine*'
    No, REAL men used to say: HIM OR ME!"
  2. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    Bwahahahaha, where is that guy???!!!
    I want to meet him

  3. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says: I’m jealous!
    I want a guy who says stuff like that…

  4. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    Perhaps I should just buy myself a talking Action Man figure
  5. Vrouwe Amantia says:
    I can picture that already:
    “you will pay dr X”
    And then you: “say my name bitch”

  6. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    Oh. my. god. Earlier.....
    A guy tried to “seduce” me
  7. Vrouwe Amantia says:
    He was a dirtbag, I take it?
  8. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    No, he wasn’t really gross, more like the ‘dumb idiot’ type,
    You know, the type with the brains of a goldfish
    *Andi quickly runs away…*
  9. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    Thank god I know there still are some guys interested in me, now,…
    If not, I might’ve tought I was a completely lost cause…
  10. Vrouwe Amantia says:
    Yez one day some stupid noob will make you perfectly happy
  11. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    Wahahaha, at least, then, I’d know who’d be the most intelligent of us… :p
  12. Andi zegt: меня зовут Andi says:
    You know what? We should put one of these msn conversations on our blog, someday. Whatcha think?
  13. Vrouwe Amantia says:
    Yeah right! Translate it in English!
    You go girl!
    For tomorrow: 13 lines from our msn conversation :p

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Happy TT!

Andi & Stien :D


Anonymous said...

That's a very original way of doing a TT. So, "menya zovoot" means Andi says in Russian?

Anonymous said...

That's really a cool idea for a blog. I might have to try it one of these days.

Andi said...

Nicholas, "menya zavoot" means 'My name is Andi', in Russian. Very cool you can "read" it, whiiii :D

Damozel, thanks. You should defenitely try it someday ;-) very fun to do...

Thanks for dropping by, and a Happy TT to you! :D


Rebecca said...

Oh my! You girls are too cute and funny! Oh, and I want to meet that guy too! ;-0