Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hi guys!

I'm thinking of participating with NaNoWriMo this year. I discovered it last year, mid November. I didn't participate then, not enough time, but I guess I'll take my chance this year. It seems like a lot of fun, trying to write a book. And since I always wanted to do that, I guess this is my moment, eh? ;-)

Of course, deciding to do Nano this year means I had to make a few choices. I won't be writing in English. If I ever want to reach that 50K in a month's time, I think I'll have to stick with my Dutch.
Also, over the last few years, I worked and plotted out about 4 stories. All historical romances. For this Nano, I want to write a historical too, but not one of my 4 pet projects. I'm afraid to touch them, and/or perhaps to ruin them, hahaha... So I had to think out a whole new idea. I did that last week. I'm not sure what to think of it yet. I have my plot outlined already, but I don't know if I even like my characters.
The story itself is OK, I guess. But those characters! I seriously doubt it if my 'hero' could be considered as hero material.
Okay, I confess. My other 4 projects are rather unusual too. I always had and will have a liking for unusual romances. But this time?...
Wow, things are strange, really.

I have a hero with a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He's a killer and has a total lac of morals. My heroine is a golddigger.


But I do have my plot line. Hehehe :D

Perhaps I should just go with the flow, and simply write this Nano project.

Anywho, what do you guys think?



Rebecca said...

That sounds interesting - would you be posting it on the blog, or at least samples?

Irishcoda said...

I think you should go for it, Andi, I try NaNoWriMo every year and it's always fun! Love the smileys for TT!

Andi said...

Hehehe, Frigga, I'll promise to try to post bits and pieces. How's that? ;-)
If I'm writing in Dutch, you'll have to wait for the translation, though.

Irishcoda, I'll give it a try. Nano does sound like a lot of fun. I'm totally ready for it! Only two more days of waiting... Woohoo!!

Unhinged said...

Is your hero with the OCD really a killer?

(Kewl beans!)

Go for it. I bet it'll be a trip redeeming (or something close to) these characters by the end of the story...

Dutch, huh? How do you say Baby Got Back in Dutch?

Andi said...

Hi Buddy! :D

Yup, he really is a killer. If he were a girl I would say he was a cold hearted bitch ;-)

Hmmm, now I think about it, he actually is! He's actually the villian, whoohoo ;-)

And yes, there will be a lot of redeeming to be done, if I choose to go that way. I don't know it yet... I'll have to see, I guess. Heh heh heh

Baby got back? Depends on how you want to say it :P
I would translate it like something as: 'Schat kwam terug'...
