Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I have a title for my NaNoWriMo project!

And the winner is.......:

I thought it would fit perfectly with my story, since it's all about perception.
About how my (Anti) Hero sees the world. And about how others see the Hero. Ok, I admit, this is not very romantic looking. And yes, it's still going to be a romance story, although I would rather call it a Dark Romance (Muahahahaaaa!!!)

I thought of a pretty name for him too, he he he. He's now named Illias Shaw.
(<--- This is him, here. See?! He has that 'evil' look, oh yeah!)
The Heroine has the lovely name Rebecca (or Becca for short) Parker. Don't have a picture of her yet, but that'll come. Don't worry ;-)
Tomorrow it's the 1st. Exciting! :-D

Wish me luck ;-)
P.S: Ooops, I forgot to mention a Happy Halloween to you all!
*Happy Halloween!!*


Rebecca said...

Love the names! Come see the treat I posted for you!

Andi said...

Oh oh! Treat! Just a sec! I'll be right there!

Hmm... treat. *Treat-treat-treat*

Unhinged said...

It seems like it's going to be verra interesting! A different plot, unusual hero's name (remember I'm in America), and now a face to go with the name. Yes, your Illias looks sensually evil.


Andi said...

Hehehe, thanks ;-)
I found his picture somewhere on the net, and I just had to have him! I mean, he was exactly how I had pictured Illias in my mind.
And I would say: Ill-ie-as
