So here we go:

13 pics by Andi, hehehe:
1. First, let's start with a pic of Stien:

2. Here's one I took while working on a video clip:

3. My sister in a costume dress:

4. Again, my sister:

5. Sonja and her little sister:

6. Tina putting her shoes on:

7. Tina and her BF:

8. A pic of a camera support, tripod:

9. Stien and Sonja:

10. My sister in a normal outfit ;-)

11. Our new cat, Rosca:

12. Again Rosca, I couldn't choose:

13. Well, this one, I didn't take myself (obviously, heh, since it's me you see :p ), but it was too funny not to show:

And that was it for today. I hope you enjoyed it! If you have a Thursday Thirteen today: link it!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Great Pictures!
Thanks ;-)
I love your pictures! B/W ones are always so nice. Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog! :)
Thanks for visiting too! :D
Great pictures! Love the pink bag ;)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I need to do a continuation next week, 13 more things I do to procastinate :)
Yeah ;-) I'll come visit again if you do :p hehehe
That first picture is absolutely gorgeous! They are all great.
Wow, you're a good photographer! Those actually look like art.
Thanks from stopping by my 13 of my favorite games Thursday Thirteen.
Thanks for the visit to my farm blog! You have some nice pictures here :D Good luck with your blog, and with the painting and move.
Here's my other T13:
Great pics, and your cat is so adorable!
Happy TT13 :-)
Hi hon, I'm bahack....and well I already knew how incredible you are with a camera of course. Love the B/W pics! Rosca is gorgeous btw ;)
Thank you all for visiting!
Lesley, I agree, and Stien looks ravishing in it :-D
Jennifer, you actually made me blush! Thanks for that compliment!
Marina, I'll check out your other TT too ;-)
The painting is going very well. When it's all done I'll post some pictures.
Frigga, Rosca is turning out to be a very sweet cat. She came to us, from the streets, a few days ago. We gave her some food and from then on she stayed ;-)
And Andrea, you're always welcome! ;-) lof joe honnie...
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