Hi all,
Stien is back for almost a week, but I couldn't get her to write something on our blog. Everyone with me: "Ooooooooooohhh..." :-(
Now, I know I'm a bit late for this third TT, but I have a wonderful excuse: it's so very busy over here! No kiddin'...
Next to the moving, painting our new house, my sister and I have found a job! Together, yes. It's only for 2 weeks, as a vacation job. But still, it's pretty hard for our mother since she has to do a lot more, now we are away.
Next to the moving, painting our new house, my sister and I have found a job! Together, yes. It's only for 2 weeks, as a vacation job. But still, it's pretty hard for our mother since she has to do a lot more, now we are away.
And well, our third TT... I really have no clue what to do. Or perhaps,... here comes an idea:

My 13 favorite songs (or at least the ones I play the most) :
- Braille, from Regina Spektor
- Après moi, from Regina Spektor
- Lady, from Regina Spektor
- That theme from 'The Phantom of the Opera', omg, that's soooo good!!!
- Moan, from Trentemoller
- Bite me, from Electric Six
- Devil Nights, from Electric Six
- Slices of you, from Electric Six
- So she dances, from Josh Groban
- Awake, from Josh Groban
- Do it again, The Chemical Brothers
- Ramalama (bang bang), from Roisin Murphy
- Shame for you, from Lily Allen
Voila, that was it! I promise I'll think of something better next time ;-)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
I like Josh Groban.. happy Thursday!
Great thirteen! Happy Thursday!
Not only do I not know the songs, but I don't even recognize the names of the bands. This is how you will know you are old!
On the other hand, I love T13 because it exposes me to things and ideas I wouldn't otherwise encounter. I might give these a try! I'm from the Seventies; I can deal with ANY music.
I'm with the previous commenters, I haven't heard of most of them.
Happy TT13 :-)
Hi Shelby! Yeah, Josh is great. My mom, sister and I saw him in concert 2 months ago. He was totally awesome. And very funny too! *swoon*
Nancy, these songs are not all the same genre. So perhaps you find something you like ;-)
Thanks, So lost, Happy TT to you too!
Hahaha, Damozel, you're not old! You just don't know them :-P
And you're absolutely right about TT. You can learn quite a lot ;-)
Frigga, perhaps you can investigate? :-P hehehe...
Thanks everyone for stopping by!
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